Congratulations to the graduates of the 4th, 5th, and 6th batches of the Faculty of Business Administration! Just like their university, these graduates will not be a burden on their society but rather an addition and enrichment. They will provide exceptional services to their country based on the excellent qualifications they acquired during their studies at their distinguished faculty. They will prove their outstanding presence, just like their peers, both domestically and internationally. These were the words with which the President of the University, Dr. Mohamed Saad, began his speech at the graduation ceremony of the 4th, 5th, and 6th batches of the Faculty of Business Administration. The ceremony took place at the Libyan International University on Friday, December 29, 2023, in the presence of the graduates in their joyful attire, university leaders, as well as the families of the graduates.

Then, Dr. Sabri Jubran, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, delivered his speech, expressing gratitude to the University President and the members of the University Council for their continuous support and assistance, which led to its exceptional distinction and success, culminating in the establishment of the graduate program, making the Faculty of Business Administration the nucleus of the School of Human and Social Sciences.
The Dean also praised the faculty members, the administrative staff, and the academic staff for their dedication and unlimited efforts. He wished all the graduates the best of luck and success

The General Registrar, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Maghribi, also delivered a speech, welcoming the attendees, congratulating the graduates on reaching this stage of harvesting the rewards, and crowning their journey of effort and diligence. He also extended his congratulations to the families of the graduates, as they are partners in creating these moments.

A member of the Student Union, Mr. Saad bensaoud , also gave a speech, congratulating his fellow students on their success and graduation and stating that they will, with the help of Allah, meet the high expectations of our university, our people, and our country

The parents also had a speech delivered by Dr. Nora Al-Fayyadi, expressing her happiness to be present at this grand academic celebration that crowns the efforts of the students, their families, teachers, and the university

As part of the joy and happiness of this ceremony, the President of the University and the Dean were honored. It is worth noting that the academic procession of the graduates began at 4:30 PM from the faculty’s premises, led by the university president, graduates carrying flags, the dean of the faculty, and university leaders.

In an atmosphere of joy, happiness, flowers, and the joy of parents and grandparents, the top students were honored, and certificates were distributed to the graduates who confidently walked towards the platform on the red carpet. This marks the beginning of their journey, filled with success, excellence, and advancement in the realms of knowledge, thought, and innovation.
Honoring Top Students

Honoring Graduates