Graduation Projects

Student Name Project Title
Ibrahim Elabbar Libyan Customers’ Attitude Towards E-banking Services
Kareem Buker Libyan Consumers Attitude Towards E- payment
Esraa Elkgoja Obstacles Facing the Conversion Process to Islamic Banks: a case study of Alwahda Bank in Benghazi
Ali Almesllati Determinates of Bank’s Profitability in Gulf Countries
Omar Alhasey Determinants of Banking Profitability in the Context of Structure Conduct Performance: Empirical Evidence from Gulf Country.
Lubna Elgehani Stock Market Impact on Economic Growth: The case of Gulf Countries 1993-2019
Loaloah Albeira Performance of Conventional and Islamic Portfolios in Bursa Malaysia
Shahed Elhasia The Impact of Bank Specific Variables on Stability of Banks in MENA Region
Shahed Alzanati Holiday Effects and Stock Returns: Further Evidence From Bursa
Ayub Almesmari The Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms’ Financial Performance in The United Kingdom
Salem Gaafar Determinants Of Profitability In Banks In The MENA Region
Amhamed Ghanem The Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability in UK Retail Firms
Muhaned Elgumati The Connectedness Between Bitcoin, Gold & Crude Oil Prices (2018-2023)
Shahed Eldarrat The Impact of COVID-19 on Cryptocurrencies
Mohammed EL-Warflli Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Liquidity and Profitability of Firms in Europe
Mohanned Elzedani Credit Risk And Its Impact On Banks’ Profitability
Ali Buhnaik The Determinants of Islamic Banks’ Performance
Munir Rifat Quantifying the Interconnectedness and Contagion Transmits in the Cryptocurrency Market
Talal Khalifa The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Profitability of Conventional Banks in the GCC Region (2018-2021)
Ahmed Bushnak Determents of Islamic Banks Performance in Saudi Arabia: Does Covid-19 Pandemic Matter?
Sliman Elmgherbie The Impact of Capital Adequacy, Cost Management, Loan Portfolio on Profitability of MENA Banks.

Success Stories

Ibrahim Elabbar
Finance and Banking Management Program

Degree: Finance and Banking  
CGPA: 4.00 
Current Status: He is working at the Daman Islamic Bank as a trade finance officer and taking part in its establishment as well.
was one of the top students in his batch fall (2020-2021)

” After leaving LIMU I realized that my university did not just help me acquire theoretical skills and knowledge, but real industry-driven skills that are essential in today’s competitive Labor Market. All my classes had practical relevance to the industry with many case studies drawn from companies which helped in having a smooth transition from the academic to the business world. During my studies at LIMU, I went through a transformational educational experience that helped me develop my professional development path and boosted my professional profile with effective skills that are essential in today’s competitive market. It is acknowledged by everyone in the bank that LIMU is a world class university, and they are confident in collaborating with LIMU alumni for the guaranteed quality of work. I am very proud to be a member of the LIMU network and have maintained excellent relationships with several faculty members and fellow alumni with whom I have collaborated several times so far.”

Lubna ELGihani
Finance and Banking Management Program .

 Degree: Finance and Banking  
CGPA: 3.62 
Current Status: She is working at the Daman Islamic Bank as a full-time employee in the international trade department.

“I started my first semester at LIMU in 2018 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in  Finance and Banking in 2022. Directly post-graduation I started my internship at the Daman Islamic Bank and currently am a full-time employee working in the international trade department.Due to the hard work and exceptional knowledge I conveyed, I was selected to be my  departments representative, where I would be in direct contact with the JMR Infotech team. I was also given the opportunity to be trained face-to-face by the JMR team in Cairo, Egypt.”

Loaloah Albiera
Finance and Banking Management Program

 Degree: Finance and Banking 
CGPA: 3.42 
Current Status: She is a full-time employee in the Islamic Finance department at Al-Daman Islamic  Bank and she is a part-time tutor at the faculty during the afternoon classes.

“I originally joined the Faculty of Business Administration at the Libyan International University, majoring in Finance and Banking Management, in 2018 and graduated in December 2021. Directly after my graduation, I started my career life after my first interview in DIB first I started as an intern, and now I’m a full-time employee. Due to my high performance and the skills and knowledge I gained from LIMU the management in Al- Daman Islamic Bank decided to invest in me and offered me a face-to-face training program with the GMR group that took place in Cairo, Egypt.”If you want to achieve your goals, follow LIMU’s roles.”

Ali Adel
Finance and Banking Management Program

 Degree: Finance and Banking 
CGPA: 3.85 
Current Status: Supervisor of the Sales and Marketing Department, Northern Lakes Branch

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