برنامج التمويل والمصارف

أ.أحمد الفيتوري
MSc in Banking and Finance
University of Eastern Mediterranean
[email protected]
Education background
Master of Science in Finance & Banking, Eastern Mediterranean University
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance & Banking, University of Benghazi
Academic rank
Assistant Lecturer
Research interests
Microfinance and Economic growth, Climate Change and Financial stability, Financial liberalization Financial Inclusion, and Prices and returns volatility and spillovers
The Department of Banking and Finance (Eastern Mediterranean University) jointly with University of Castilla-la Mancha (Spain) organize the International Conference, ICBFP’2022: Economic Development, Public Finance, Energy, and Environment.
The impact of microfinance on economic growth in the Gulf countries using annual data from the World Bank database between 1990 and 2020. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-23416-3_8

Dr. Hatem al faitouri
PhD in Accounting
University of Portsmouth , UK
[email protected]
Education Background
Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance, University of Portsmouth, UK
GPROF Certificate, Higher Education Academy (HEA), University of Portsmouth, University teaching qualification.
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting & Finance University of Dundee, UK
MSc in Accounting (Grade 3.70 out of 4.00) University of Benghazi, Libya
BSc in Accounting (Grade 3.23 out of 4.00) University of Benghazi, Libya
Academic rank
Lecturer in Accounting
Research interests
Performance of banks and corporations, earning management, Competitiveness in the banking industry, Liquidity risk and corporate governance.
- Elfeituri Hatem (2022) Banking stability, institutional quality, market concentration, competition and political conflict in MENA Banking stability, institutional quality, market concentration, competition and political conflict in MENA, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money · Jan 3, 2022.
- Elfeituri, Hatem (2021) Assessing competitiveness in the MENA banking sector in the context of the quality of institutional variables and political conflict risk, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance. Volume 13, No 13, 2022.
- Elfeituri Hatem (2021) Is Profitability of Islamic Banks Shaped by Bank-specific Variables, Global Financial Crisis and Macroeconomic Variables? Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development. Volume 42 (2021) Number 2.pp 32-60
- Elfeituri, Hatem (2019) Is the MENA Banking Sector Competitive? Journal of Banking Regulation. Vol 20, pp124–135
- Elfeituri, Hatem (2019) Examining banking productivity drivers in MENA banks after financial liberalisation in 1990s, Journal of Governance and Regulation, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2019.pp 59-74.
- Elfeituri, Hatem (2018) ‘Market concentration, foreign ownership and determinants of bank financial performance: evidence from MENA countries’, Corporate Ownership and Control, 15(3), pp. 9-22.

د.محمد عيسى
Assistant Professor
Ph.D in Accounting and Finance
Universiti of Okan
[email protected]
Education background
Ph.D in Business Administration (Specialized in Accounting and Finance) – Okan University, Istanbul, Turkey
Master’s Degree in Accounting – Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, USA
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting – University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya
Academic rank
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Research interests
Forensic Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Education, Finance Education, Financial Management, International Finance, Corporate Finance, Financial Market.
- “Examining Students’ Perceptions of Accounting Education in Libya”, Volume 34, Issue 2, November 2021, the Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi (SJUOB)
- “Conceptualization the Interaction among Organisational Factors towards Internal Control Quality” (With Waled Alazzabi and Hasri Mustafa), Volume 28, Issue 4, October 2021, Journal of Financial Crime (JFC) this journal is available on Emerald Insight
- “The Expectation Gap of Auditing Responsibilities: Students’ Perception” (With Ali Altuğ Biçer and Selin Erol), Volume 9, Issue 2, August 2019, Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences (JoCReSS).
- “Assessing Awareness and Acceptance of Forensic Accounting among the Libyan Accounting Educators” (With Waled Al-Azzabi), Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2018, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management (IJECM).
- “Perception of Forensic Accounting Education as a Tool for Anti-fraud in Libya” (With Ali Altuğ Biçer), Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2017, International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR).