Graduation Projects Discussions Showcase Students Capabilities in Healthcare Management and Finance

The graduation project discussions for healthcare, finance, and banking programs continue to highlight the capabilities and skills of the students.

The official spokesperson for the university remains the discussions of graduation projects at the International University, where yesterday, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, discussions were held for the graduation projects (Healthcare Management program) for the student Abdulrahman Al-Aarif, and the discussion committee consisted of Dr. Ibtisam Madi, Dr. Essam Al-Danna’, Dr. Abdulbasit Al-Gharyani, Mr. Omar Lyias, and Ms. Hadeel Al-Fiatuori.

The program director for the Healthcare Management program is Dr. Ibtisam Madi.

The second group is from the Finance and Banking program: the program director is Dr. Mohammed Issa.

The discussion committee consisted of: Dr. Mohammed Issa, Dr. Maree Al-Badri, Dr. Abdulbasit Abdullah, and Professor Omar Lias.

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